Blue Lotus Connection

Sharing Knowledge from Spirit

with Genevieve Leigh

Inspirational Blogs
Informative readings from spirit

(Please send us a mail through our contacts should you wish to join our mailing list)

The blue lotus is a very special flower. It is connected to many spiritual beliefs. Not only is the lotus used in many spiritual rituals and imagery, but the blue lotus is particularly potent as a tool and symbol for spiritual advancement. Daily, this magnificent flower pushes it´s way through a wall of mud, to spread it´s fantastic blooms. The rising sun out of the darkness, beauty rising out of the ugliness, spirit transcending above the fog of material life.

The blue lotus was revealed to me as my power symbol, to ground me and inspire me. I use this image as my home base and my inspiration during my meditations and readings.

My readings are not my words. Anything that is written in the readings, I have written exactly as I have received it. Please know that sometimes I myself cannot always understand the information that I have received. It is simply my duty to share it. Please take what you can from it and leave what does not relate to you.

The blog section of this website is purely my experiences that I have had on my journey to find answers. Thoughts, realisations, activities etc. Anything that I feel might inspire or help someone out there.

I will also post any of my paintings that I have completed, should you be interested in adding to your art collection.

Thank you so much for being here!

May Blue Lotus Connection help you channel the heart of the Blue Lotus. For inspiration, meditation, and spiritual awakening.

Much love and happiness

Genevieve Leigh
Blue Lotus Connection
ABOUT image

This is the first part of my story. About my poor, broken heart, and what happens when life throws you an unexpected curve ball.

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This is an introduction to the spirit guides that I work with. I will continually update this page as and when I receive more information about them.

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How Blue Lotus Connection began, and why spirit has become my passion.

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Should you find these readings helpful, but they leave you asking more questions, feel free to send me a message and I will ask my Guides on your behalf. This section is dedicated purely for information that has been given to me through my Guides. None of this information comes from me, unless I mark it as a side note. I hope you find some enlightenment from their knowledge. (Please send me a mail through contacts should you wish to join my mailing list) 

Question: Please describe heaven

Heaven is freedom. It is unlimited and unrestricted. My watcher guide, Lisa, describes what the after life is like, and shows how we truly have nothing to fear.

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Question:  What are the Akashic Records?  What are they for and how do we access them?

I felt very privileged to have Pravesh answer one of my questions today. I asked the How´s, What´s and Where´s of the Akashic Records. If you want to know more about this all encompassing treasure trove of knowledge, read on....

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Question:  Why have so many people been going through out of the ordinary struggles lately?  Why have so many people had blockages and had old problems resurfacing?

It´s the same all over the world. People are experiencing difficult times and huge changes in their lives. I asked Agnes, my healer guide, why this is happening and what we can do about it.

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Question:  Who or what is God?

This reading was such a surprise, and so very different from my other sessions. David, my Scribe Guide, who helps with any form of writing, came through to answer my question of Who or what is God?

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Question:  Do we meet our loved one´s again after death

Lisa, my watcher, returns to tell us what it is like passing over, and what our true spiritual relationships are to our loved one´s here on earth.

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Derek - 30.03.2023

Today, I did not ask a specific question, but rather just requested that someone came through. Derek appeared for the first time. His presence was different and I really enjoyed the new experience. He gave us more information on the death experience, as well as life after death.

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Question:  Who are spirit guides and why are they there?

Question: Who are our spirit guides and why are they there? My watcher guide Lisa came through to answer this question. She made it very simple and easy to understand for us all.

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Question:  What is karma, and why is it normally considered bad?

What is karma and why is it normally considered bad? Artimus came through today to share with us some of the karma fundamentals.

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Question:  Why do we have to suffer?  Why do we become ill?

Todays question was: "Why do we suffer? Why do we become ill?. Agnes, came through for the first time today, as my healer guide. She had a very loving and caring energy and was kind enough to share some information on this topic.

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Question:  What does it mean to live in the now?

Automatic writing session with Artimus, a knowledge guide who came through to answer my question of: What is meant by "living in the now".

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Hier kann mann alle Blogs und Lesungen auf Deutsch lesen. Sollten Sie diese Lesungen hilfreich finden, aber noch weitere Fragen haben, können Sie mir gerne eine Nachricht schicken, und ich werde meine Geistführer in Ihrem Namen befragen.

David - Schreiber 09.04.2023

Diese Lesung war so eine Überraschung und so ganz anders als meine anderen Sitzungen. David, mein Schreiberführer, der bei jeder Form des Schreibens hilft, kam vorbei, um meine Frage zu beantworten: Wer oder was ist Gott?

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Lisa - Watcher Guide - 31.03.2023

Lisa, meine Wächterin, kehrt zurück, um uns zu erzählen, wie es ist, hinüberzugehen, und was unsere wahre spirituelle Beziehung zu unseren geliebten Menschen hier auf der Erde ist.

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Derek - 30.03.2023

Heute habe ich keine konkrete Frage gestellt, sondern nur darum gebeten, dass jemand vorbeikommt. Derek erschien zum ersten Mal. Seine Anwesenheit war anders und ich habe die neue Erfahrung wirklich genossen. Er gab uns weitere Informationen über die Todeserfahrung sowie über das Leben nach dem Tod.

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Die Welt auf den Kopf gestellt .... Teil 1

Dies ist der erste Teil meiner Geschichte. Über mein armes, gebrochenes Herz und was passiert, wenn das Leben dir einen unerwarteten Curve Ball zuwirft.

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Artimus - Wissensführer 06.03.2023

Automatische Schreibsitzung mit Artimus, einem Wissensführer, der meine Frage beantwortet hat: Was ist mit "im Jetzt leben" gemeint.

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Agnes - Heilungsführerin - 08.03.2023

Die heutige Frage lautete: "Warum leiden wir? Warum werden wir krank? Agnes kam heute zum ersten Mal als mein Heilerführer durch. Sie hatte eine sehr liebevolle und fürsorgliche Energie und war so freundlich, mir einige Informationen zu diesem Thema zu geben.

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Meinen Geistführern Begegnen

Dies ist eine Einführung in die Geistführer, mit denen ich arbeite. Ich werde diese Seite ständig aktualisieren, sobald ich weitere Informationen über sie erhalte.

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Wie Alles Begann.....

How Blue Lotus Connection began, and why spirit has become my passion.

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Lisa - Wächterführer 14.03.2023

Frage: Wer sind unsere Geistführer und warum sind sie da? Meine Wächterführerin Lisa hat uns diese Frage beantwortet. Sie machte es sehr einfach und leicht verständlich für uns alle.

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Artimus - Wissensführer 12.03.2023

Was ist Karma und warum wird es normalerweise als schlecht angesehen? Artimus kam heute durch, um uns einige der Grundlagen des Karmas mitzuteilen.

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