08 Mar

It has most certainly been a process meeting my spirit guides.  And it was definitely not how I originally thought it would be.  I envisaged this being materialising in front of me.  Maybe chatting to me or telepathically sending me messages.  It is far less Hollywood than that.  It took me a while to even detect the hint of a guide.  Sometimes they do appear in my minds eye, or come through as a knowing, that the thoughts in my head are not my own.  My preferred medium is intuitive or automatic writing, where the words flow through me onto paper.  I often have no idea what I have written until I read it at the end.

They will always communicate on my level so that I can interpret their messages correctly.  This is why the tone of the readings is often the same, as their messages are coming through me and my frame of reference.  

As my growth continues, I receive more and more information and finer details about my guides.  It is about building a relationship with them, and as this grows they reveal more of themselves to me.  I have never seen any of their faces.

I will give you a breakdown of the guides who have come through, and I will continually update them as soon as I find out more information on them.  According to their abilities and specialities, they appear in my life and to me in meditation, as needed, or when called.  


Lisa was the first spirit guide to reveal herself.  At first all I got was a name.  As time has passed, she has revealed herself as a white human formed being.  The word angelic describes her perfectly.   She called herself my watcher guide, and is with me daily to look over me and deal with my daily needs.  I can approach her for anything from inspiration to needing help to get to sleep.  She is my main spirit guide.


Pravesh appeared after Lisa, during a meditation.  Since then the two of them always appear together.  He is an Indian Hare Krsna devotee, which I found incredibly apt, as at one point in my life I followed the Hare Krsna movement, and it was a crucial element in my spiritual awakening.  I have such respect for these wonderful, enlightened people, so it does mean something to me to have him as my Spirit guide, who is responsible for my spiritual life and growth.  If I find myself confused or stuck about a spiritual topic, I can call on him for advice.  He wears the traditional Hare Krsna Dhoti (pants), Kurta (Shirt), with a Sika (pony tail) and Tilak (facial marking on forehead).


I have never worked with this guide, but he has been introduced to me and is sometime there to the side or in the background. He is the epitome of a warrior, covered head to toe in what appears to be Samoan tattoos, and has long black wavy hair.  He is my spirit guide for protection.  I can call him when I am scared, or feel the need for courage or protection.


This guide appeared at the same time as Warain, on the right hand side of Lisa.  She wears gold from head to toe, and has and intricate headdress made of gold in the shape of a sickle moon and sometime a full moon.  I have asked for information on her, but nothing has come through.


I had a question and asked for a knowledge guide to come through, who has access to the akashic records.  Artimus came to me as an old bent over man with a long beard and wearing an old grey robe.

12.03.2023 -  I asked Artimus a little bit more about himself today.  When asked where and when he came from, he said ancient Greece and he was a Greek philosopher.  He has many lives since then, but he prefers to take on this form as this was one of his most successful lives/times on earth and the one he relates to the best.  When asked if he will have to return in human form to the material world one day, he answered yes.  


Agnes is the most recent spirit guide to have appeared.  I called on her when asking a question about health.  She is a nun and a healer guide.  I can call on her when I or someone else requires either spiritual or physical healing.


David is a Scribe Guide.  These Guides can be called when you need help with any form of writing, and in my case, automatic writing.  My visualisation was of him seated at a wooden desk, in a small eaved room, with a burning candle in the centre.  He wore a brown slashed doublet, and had brown hair.

When asking him about himself, he said his last incarnation on earth was in the 1600´s and since then he has had no desire to return.  I asked him what age he prefers (as he seemed very young) and he said 16.

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