08 Mar

Agnes - Healing Guide - 08.03.2023

We all have to experience suffering.  This is part of the souls journey on the material plane of existence.  We have all accumulated karma from this, and previous incarnations and this karma can manifest in many different ways.  It also depends on the type of karma that you are cleansing.  Personal, familial or collective.

Often "genetic" problems are passed down through familial karma.  An act in someone´s past has created a notch in the families DNA.  Until someone takes action to cleanse this karma, this problem will continue to return throughout the family line.  It only takes one person to awaken to this knowledge, to clear decades, or even centuries of karmic debris.

Active cleansing through spiritual practices is the only way to stop it completely.

Personal karma is more complicated in that before we enter each particular life that we live, we can choose which karma we would like to try and overcome, and normally also, how.  The greater the trial we can overcome, the greater the reward.  So if we have chosen a particularly difficult illness to experience, we have decided to take on a large piece of this karma.

Never forget... We ALL have the ability to heal ourselves.  Although this would also be a choice we ourselves would make , depending on our pre-determined wishes. (side note:  I think also our free will, determination and discipline would play a large roll)

Often, people curse God when a child becomes ill, or loses their life.  It is a very difficult thing for most people to comprehend.  They question the fairness of it and they questions God´s love.  Remember, no soul has entered the material world without choosing to do so, and without knowing what their fate shall be.  Ofcourse as humans we are given free will, which could slightly alter our course.  But essentially the main aspects of your life are fixed.  Your family is chosen by you.  Your country is chosen by you.  Language, appearance, basic personality etc. is all chosen by you in order to work off your karma through learning specific lessons.  A young boy living in the slums in India, deformed and hungry, learns you can be happy without material things.  A young girl living in New York has everything.  She must learn that money cannot buy love and attention.  Both suffer in different ways.

A child who becomes ill or even loses their life, is but a volunteer who has come through to play a part within another person/persons chosen path.  They have a role to play in helping their family to work off an extremely difficult lesson and high amount of karma.  The family receives the lesson - perhaps that material life is not permanent.  Everything can be lost in an instant.  The part the child plays is extremely noble, and they too will receive karmic benefit for the part they have played.  They will then return to spirit and carry on with their own souls journey.

If one understands what material life is, one can understand why such tragedies are necessary, and why they are actually beneficial to all. Nothing happens without purpose.  Every life has extreme value.

Pain and suffering can also come from blockages of energy within your body.  Previous experiences have created a barrier - a broken heart has created a barrier to stop love entering your heart - you are always shut down so you do not trust yourself to speak out - you are constantly coaxed into a state of fear so you never feel free, protected or relaxed - you are told to think and believe in a certain way, so your intuition and creativity get shut down.

When things like these occur, they create an energy build up in your body.  This creates pain and illness.  If left untreated it will become chronic.  It is so important to keep a clear flow of energy.

Naturally there will also be things like broken bones, bruises, cuts, "accidents".  These all play their part in life and karma and are often unavoidable in our clumsy human form.

Things like arthritis/dementia and other illnesses related to old age, are also part of our human vehicle aging.  Though nothing is accidental.  These too will contain their lessons for the person, their family and friends.

Pain and suffering is necessary.  It is a trigger to make us questions why? Why do I suffer?  Why does my family suffer?  It is a switch that can often set someone on their search to find the truth.  Illness makes us face death.  It forces us to ask why?  Why must we die?  What is this life about?  What happens once we die?

Pain and suffering is an extremely powerful tool to force us to do or face what has to be done.  It is for growth and transformation.

Love yourselves, hear your bodies and be kind, loved one´s.  It is all for you.

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