Side Note: Before I begin with this reading I would like to note that Derek came through with a very business like manner. His tone was quite different from what I have had in previous readings. He offered no further information regarding who he was.
Hello, I am Derek and I am here to show you information regarding your stay on planet earth.
Please listen as I tell you what life is like when you leave your planet.
Firstly, there is no fear of death. Leave that behind. It does not serve you. When you accept death, you can live your life more acceptably.
Find and live your truth. This is your core reason for being here, and can only be found through self exploration and discovery within your human vehicle. For inside is where your spirit body or soul, resides. You must find it and ask it what your mission is. For that is what each of you is here for - to realise what your mission is, and to complete it. This can be anything from one simple task to a life filled with painful lessons to struggle through.
Once you leave your body, you enter a place of nothingness. You are met by your expectations of death, then taken to this intermediary place. You are then give a look through, and see what you may the require. This could be anything from crystal therapy healing, a light coma like sleep - if you are not accepting your death. Or of course, if all is well, simply a friendly celebration to welcome you home.
For this is home. Not earth. You are only visiting earth for the time that your physical body is able to or meant to survive.
As previously mentioned, earth is a perverted reflection of your spiritual world. Many things can seem familiar or recognisable to you. Perhaps you are drawn to certain places or things. This is because they remind you of your spiritual home. Your real home.
Now you have completed your entry into the spirit world, you are assessed as to how best you can transition back into your full spirit body. There are many different therapies available to help you with the transition. Whoever you require to be there, will accompany and guide you. These could be family members, spirit guides, angels or even masters, should you require. They will help set you back up in your normal life.
There is bureaucracy and all the one finds on earth, but life is far easier. You get what you require and you are able to do what you wish. The spirit realm is a realm of abundance and manifestation. You create what is most comfortable for you. The house you wish, the job you wish - should you want one. You can study, you can explore or help people on the earth plane. Nothing is a material manifestation. Anything you wish to have , you simply create. The is therefore no jealousy or a huge desire for wealth or status. It can simply be created and does not carry the weight that it does in the earthly manner.
Here you can explore your inner desires of creativity, music, art. You can learn about things on earth, and how you can improve yourself in your next earth entry.
You can create beautiful landscapes, you can explore your true self. You can swim, dance, love and play. Just like on earth but without any form of stress or pressure. Here you have paradise. Think of all the wonderful things on earth. Having them all the time, whenever you want, without any of the negativity, stress or responsibility that earth requires.
These negatives are the reason why earth exists. To help your soul to learn and grow. The beauty and happiness is to reminds you where you come from.
This is available to all souls. There is no punishment. Only reflection. Upon return, your life on earth is deeply studied and your growth noted.
There is truly no need to fear death. You are simply returning home.
Please go in peace and love.