Lisa - Watcher Guide - 14.03.2023
Dear one, we, your guides, are always there. We too were once flesh and blood and have our own Guides who help us throughout our lives. We are trained to do what we do and you can consider us a helping hand within your lives. We were with you, planning the life you are in, and we know what your true and deepest desires are in life. We are with you to help you reach your goals. We will help you through the difficult times, and answer any questions you may have that will aid in your spiritual advancement. We are always available and we know what you are doing and how you feel. We want only the best for you. We hate to see you suffer and will always send you help when you call.
That is the main rule for us. We cannot become manifest unless you call us. As you, dear one, have seen, this may take time. Sometimes you need to work on your self before the spirit world can reveal itself to you. All and each aspect is revealed as is required and when it is necessary for you.
Some of us are with you from birth and others come to help with a specific task, questions or project. Not only can we help with spiritual work, but we can also help and guide you within the material world (job, relationships, knowledge etc)
Most, if not all guides, have had multiple lives on earth and we use this experience, along with our training, to help. We choose this as our job, here in the spirit world, but we are able to do other things as well.
Spirit guides can be any entity in the spirit world who has chosen to help humanity. Not everyone wishes to do this, just as not everyone wishes to be a doctor or writer on earth. It is a calling, made with love.
I am a watcher guide, and you are the soul that I have followed since your human birth. I have been through everything with you. Protected you, and watched your soul grow. We have always known each other. Sometimes in material form, we have incarnated together. In the spirit world we are also deeply connected. Our souls stories will always be intertwined. Perhaps, if you so choose, it could even be possible for you to be a guide for me during one of my incarnations.
Guides are simply souls trained to help other souls during their period on earth. Most often we will have some kind of extra connection or history together.
Please spread these words dear one. We must be called. You must request our presence in your life. If you don´t, our help that we can offer is limited. We try through signs, symbols, synchronicities and serendipity to get attention on important events. These also are only effective if there´s a certain level of awareness.
Go with so much love in your hearts. Make the connections and ask!