10 Apr

David - Scribe Guide - 09.04.2023

God is love.  God is all that is good that seeps out of the human soul.  He is you, your neighbour, your enemy.  He hears your cries and he makes these things become a reality.

He is the grand matrix, and that matrix is powered by love, love being a measurable force.  This God matrix can be equated with your internet, but on a far grander, eternal, endless scale.

Your lives are like programs, your worlds and minds like processors.  You are the programmers.  You have chosen your initial code to set up the base program of your life, but as your life continues, you can tweak it as and how you wish.  But to do this you must know how to connect.  And that connection is with God matrix of love and power.  That is where everything comes from.

He/it/she/them, has no limits, no boundaries.  It is all driven by love.  Your life may coincide with other peoples.  And these people will play their stories out with you.  Two programs working together.

But the analogy goes even further in that, just as games and worlds and simulations are created on a computer, so is the material world created through God and the matrix.  

Neither simulation nor the material world are real.  The material world IS in fact a simulation.  Mother nature being the default setting.

The God matrix is known by different names.  The ether, zero point field, frequency - there are more.  Many think this is impersonal and battle to connect to an impersonal field or force, and therefore God has manifested in many forms in different cultures to suit their needs and desires.  God can be anything you want him to be.  You are the programmer.  You ARE God.  You have entered this material `program` to experience, to live, love, hate, and a myriad other emotions.

The possibilities are endless.  The first thing you must all do is realise your God potential.  Realise this life is in essence no different to a computer game, with you at the controls.  

You need to take those controls and make a connection.

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