Everything is important and nothing is important at all.
This was a message I received during one of my meditations today. We can all interpret a sentence like this how we wish, according our positions and situations in our lives. If it makes sense to you, if it makes you think, or clarifies something in your life, does it really matter what it is supposed to mean? This is true for so many things in life. We need to find the fruit, the wisdom, in our own way and make it work for us.
Please use the information I provide for you in this way. If it resonates with you, use it how you need to use it, interpret it in a way which is helpful to you. That is all that matters.
I have always been interested in spiritual life. I pottered here, dabbled there, but nothing really ever stuck. I was introduced to Eastern philosophy in my teenage years, and to this day, my core beliefs still come from this area. I do believe however that all religions are apples from the same tree. If it brings you closer to God, and to knowing your self, is that not the point? Why should I judge you for using a different medium?
I suffered very suddenly from severe health problems in 2019 and 2020, which re-awoke a deep need for spiritual awakening and guidance. I nearly lost this life. And I suddenly had an aching need to know more about this jewel that had almost been ripped from my grasp. The desire had always been there, but the motivation was never strong enough. I suddenly wanted to know everything. I was hungry.
I started meditation, as a healing process. This was my starting point, and was essential for my spiritual growth. Connecting with something other than material. Finding my self. I did everything from 5D frequency elevations, shadow work, chakra alignment, pendulum predictions etc.
Then one day, I received an email offering a mediumship and channelling course in my inbox. This opened up a whole new world of wonder and just mind blowing incredibleness! I was hooked, and amazed at what I, or anyone, is able to achieve.
I meditate and try to connect to spirit on an almost daily basis, asking specific questions or trying to connect to a deceased loved one, a spirit guide or someone´s higher self. It is this information that I will share to you as my readings.
I will try my absolute best to not alter any of the information I receive through my readings or intuitive writing posts. I will only do this as a side note, should something be obscure or unclear.
As my journey is still in it´s infancy, my interpretations may seem different and opposed. But at the core of my search is a deep seated desire to understand and to share what I learn along this path. I hope that some of this content can help someone in their own journey, or perhaps inspire someone to start.
I hope this helps you along your path of enlightenment.
Much love and happiness
Blue Lotus
Genevieve Leigh