06 Jul

Lisa - Watcher Guide - 25,06,2023

Heaven as you call it, is not a place, they are levels of frequency ranges that bring together atomic activity to create structure.  Just like earth, but in a far more flexible way.  Earth appears static, but it is definitely not.  If people were aware of how it works they would be able to manipulate matter, as it is actually very malleable.  Even the hardest rock can be turned to liquid, with the power of the mind.

In heaven we are aware of this.  We know how matter works and how it can be manipulated.  Therefore everyone creates what they want and need, although needs are not as prolific as they are on earth.  Your spiritual body does not require the constant care that your material vehicle does.  The general animalistic needs of mating, sleeping, eating and defending do not apply in the spiritual realms.  You do not have to eat, but if you want to you can.  You do not have to work, but every possible job is available to you, should you wish to learn.  A large part of your time is spent discussing and analysing your previous and future lives in the material world.  What development you made and where you may still require work.

You may choose to study.  Anything in the known universe that may interest you.  You can spend time with friends and family who are there in spirit.

There is no such thing as time.  It is not necessary, as you create your sunshine, rain, autumn, summer, night and day as to your wishes.  You can have or create a home of your dreams, be it a mansion on a hill or a cottage by a stream, but you don´t need one.  Many souls like to re-create their favourite life experience from earth.  But an abode is not required.  Spirit can simply just be.

In these frequency platforms we have still not become fully enlightened souls and all that are here will eventually have to live another material life, should they wish to advance.  The ultimate goal is to once again join our creator and return to our true form and nature, as God.

Rules and regulations are not required in the upper frequencies because we simply don´t need them.  Negative emotions and actions are part of the material experience and play a large role in enforcing and working off karma.  Greed, lust, jealousy, anger - these are not real emotions, unless you give them power.  Because every soul can create what they want and need, they do not have these things.  These emotions are created from lack, and here there is lack of nothing (abundance).

If your loved ones are still on earth you may wonder how you could possibly be happy.  Well, once again, there is no time here, so the space in which it takes for your family (soul family)  to re-join you is the blink of an eye.

The material world is a reflection of the spirit world.  Therefore all the beauty and creativity and architecture etc. can also exist here.  There are public buildings and entertainment.  Artists and musicians.  All the beauty of the earth can be found here, because it comes from here.  When you see a breath taking view, or hear inspirational words, or a touching song - these things are divinely inspired.

Animals are part of the earthly realm, but they can also exist in spirit.  Generally, animals will naturally re-incarnate up the food chain.  Should a soul wish to take an animal form in the spirit realm, they can do so.  The animals in the spirit realm would simply be other souls, like you, who have changed their form.  Just like you will be able to do.

As appearance can change at will there are no problems of jealousy, watching weight, insecurities etc. that come from attachment to appearance. You are recognised by your soul, which is clearly visible to all in this realm.

Heaven is freedom.  It is unlimited and unrestricted.  There are no worries, no pressure or stress.  There you are simply you, and that is good enough.  When you feel the need to advance, which every soul eventually experiences, then you decide to put on the shackles of the material realm to better yourself through challenges, adversity, as well as through contrasts.  Earth provides limitations and comparison.  We learn that we must be good by observing something bad.  We appreciate our food because we have experienced hunger.  It is a wonderful opportunity.

Go with love in your hearts.  There is nothing to fear.

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